United in Faith Campaign

With the emergence of ISIS, the threat to Christianity in Syria and Iraq has never been greater. This ruthless army of terrorists took the entire world by surprise.

Iraq: For over 1400 years, the Iraqi Christian community—the oldest in the world—managed to survive under Islam, in its own homeland.  Unfortunately, the latest expression of violent Islam has targeted this community, transforming the majority of the Iraqi Christians into a community of refugees. More than a million people have fled their homes as a result of the recent conflict in Iraq.

Syria: The Syrian conflict sparked the exodus of almost a third of the country’s Christian population of 1.8 million, the majority of whom are currently stranded in Lebanon.  Refugee women, children and men are in desperate need of food, shelter, water, and medicine.  Extremist and violent Islam has stripped them of all their belongings.  They have been left with nothing. 

Call to Action: Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is inviting all Catholic Parishes and institutions to join in prayer and in fundraising for the humanitarian crisis in Iraq and Syria. the United in Faith initiative enables participating parishes to fundraise for our brothers and sisters in this troubled region at no cost to them. 100% of all donations will support the urgent needs of our persecuted brothers and sisters.

Please donate to the campaign.

Aid to the Church in Need is an international Catholic charity under the guidance of the Holy Father. Our core mission is to serve the persecuted and suffering Church. To learn more about us visit www.churchinneed.org.